Lower back pain
Primarily, the causes of back problems are bad posture and activity-related mishaps. Incorrect patterns of movement can play a big part in messing with your back’s normal function, as can accidents, disease, and even nutritional deficiencies. Our backs are complex The human spine, central to our back, is amazing, defying…
Most people at some point in their lives will suffer headaches, which are a common cause of pain and discomfort.
Shoulder, arm, wrist problems
There are many conditions that affect the shoulders, arms and wrists, either in isolation (one area alone) or in a combination.
Hip, leg, foot problems
Life is hard when you suffer with hip, leg or foot problems. Mobility is restricted, sometimes severely. Pain can be an everyday visitor. Sometimes there is no obvious reason for the problem, sometimes the problem has a name, but no-one seems to know how to fix it. Sometimes, the problem…