Primarily, the causes of back problems are bad posture and activity-related mishaps. Incorrect patterns of movement can play a big part in messing with your back’s normal function, as can accidents, disease, and even nutritional deficiencies.

Back muscle anatomy

Our backs are complex

The human spine, central to our back, is amazing, defying gravity like a present-day skyscraper, enabling us to stand upright, providing us with both the strength to anchor our limbs, and the flexibility we need to perform complex and precise movements. Until something ‘goes wrong’ and pain comes knocking, most of us hardly even think about our back and its wonderful complexity.
Keeping active and knowing how to move, and regular exercise is the best protection against pain and problems. When problems arise, seeking help and advice is the best course of action, to prevent worsening of symptoms and restore happy function.

Our backs can hurt

If you are suffering low back pain, you are not alone. A recent study established that in 2001, in Australia alone, back problems directly and indirectly cost $9.17 billion! The causes of low back pain are many, ranging from minor pains that generally clear up within days to more serious troubles that severely limit quality of life for many.

Our backs are easily damaged

There are two broad categories of back pain – acute and chronic. Acute back pain is pain that comes on suddenly, usually caused by an event or movement that causes strain. It can also occur suddenly as a result of a long-term chronic back problem. The degree of pain can vary from a dull ache to a severe pain that restricts movement.

Chronic back pain is long-term and persistent, sometimes present all the time, or recurring regularly over a long period of time. It can be caused by a wide variety of conditions including postural or occupational problems, spinal curvatures and muscle imbalances.

Back pain can result from big events such as car crashes, falling from a horse, long-term heavy lifting activities and disease, and also from small, seemingly insignificant events such as turning, leaning, or even brushing your hair.

Our backs deserve our attention

When your back is hurting it is not good enough to ‘be brave’ and ‘soldier on’. Like the childhood song ‘Dem Bones, Dem Bones’ says “The shoulder bone’s connected to the back bone, the back bone’s connected to the hip bone…”, and our bodies respond magnificently when we suffer a misalignment or injury in order to protect us from further hurt. An ignored pain can become a pain you cannot ignore, as other muscles and body systems get involved in the initial injury in an effort to protect and help. For many, this can also result in regular intake of pain-killers, which adds further stress and can initiate even more health problems. It is best to seek help before things get worse.

Bowen therapy has an ever-growing list of testimonials of healing and recovery from low back pain.